Environmental Auditing


  • A review of your company's procedures and practices such as energy, travel, waste, water, material use and existing environment policies and procedures
  • Advice on improvements
  • Written report on all findings and workshop on how to improve key areas

Carbon Footprint Analysis

BST will develop an in-house system to calculate your business's carbon footprint, using a recognised greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting methodology and producing a breakdown of your footprint. This will ultimately help highlight priorities for action.

Workshop: Environmental Review

BST will initially conduct an environmental review of your business, which will will then followed by a half day group session where BST will present the findings and discuss key areas of improvement to key environmental staff or green team (in-house only).

An example of how we can all save energy. This new LED streetlight consumes much less energy than its predecessor but there is still no need for it to be on at 10am on a cloudless August day. Reported to local council.